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Divine Love - Romantic Quotes.


檔案大小:19.4 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Divine Love - Romantic Quotes.(圖1)-速報App

Divine Love is the ultimate App to ignite the fire in your personal relationship and inspire loved ones to do the same.

Create daily reminders to reinforce your love and encourage yourself to persevere and push through difficult and stressful times. Let Devine Love quotes be your mentor to motivate and inspire you through any situations.

Help others to cultivate love and improve their lives, by sharing Devine Love. These messages will be valuable to anyone, who might be going through a hard time. Share romantic love quotes in a text message, to show someone how you feel about them and let them know that you're thinking about them.

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Divine Love - Romantic Quotes.(圖2)-速報App

√Hundreds of romantic love quotes for everyone.

√Get inspired by some awesome love and romantic quotes

√Set reminders to view daily love quotes

√Save favorite love quotes

√Create your own love quotes

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√Share love quotes with those who matter

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